So perhaps it's time to call it a wrap. For the time being, let's carefully roll the tortilla around the filling (ham, cheese, mayo, avocado and bell pepper, by preference), and be done. It was an experiment to start with, and one that was quite successful, I might add. I've enjoyed talking to you all, and I think, perhaps, some of you have enjoyed being talked at?
Steve also wants you to know that he has liked being the feature illustration in several of these posts. So here he is, one more time, poised to face the future atop my laptop screen (a split second before he fell off and hit the keyboard. Splat.).
Don't worry, I think we'll be back, Steve and I, with more deep, profound and philosophical (but most likely just plain silly) observations. When we're around again, we'll let you know.
Life, the Universe and Everything. Be seeing you!