26 February 2013

Refrigerator Art

Because I didn't post a picture last time, this week you get two. It's Art (note the capital!). Refrigerator Art, to be precise, because that is its locus. No, not its focus - what that is, I leave you to decide for yourself; just the locus - the place where it's at. Or where it was when I created it - Art is transient; it's all been moved around since then. Art is also in the eye of the Beholder. That's called Reader Response Criticism, or something. Probably something.

So here you are: one Poem, entitled "Midsummer Night's Ball":

Midsummer Night's Ball

And then, there's a Sculpture (note capital!). No, not a Sculpture really - an Arrangement? Oh, I know: it's a Visual Poem (note: TWO capitals!). It's entitled - ummm... how about "Untitled"? That means you can pick whatever title suits you. Go for it. (Incidentally, they're little bendable magnetic guys which I picked up at the San Francisco airport, in the SFMOMA gift shop. Aren't they cute?)


Life, the Universe, and Refrigerator Art. Magnetising, ain't it.


  1. We've been cheated. The front of our refrigerator is spiffy looking brushed aluminum that is, unfortunately, not magnetic.

    1. What?!? A non-magnetic fridge? Rip-off.

  2. I love the little magnet dudes, and the "delicate chocolate petals". Sumptuous stuff, A!

  3. I actually was counting syllables........your poem is almost a haiku. Love it! And cute little guys too - very artsy!

    1. Well there you go - haiku happens. On fridges, no less.

  4. Jeanne Eagels15/3/13 07:23

    Very creative, love the little guys:)

